Click on the Programs below for more information
We provide free fire prevention materials and education materials for schools, fire departments, senior centers, and any other at-risk groups (hearing impaired, disabled, etc…)
We have created a Free Covid-19 Response Guide for First Responders to help educate Volunteer Firefighters on the pandemic and how to deal with and reduce the spread.
Get the emergency response funds you deserve. You set the policies and EF Recovery does all the work, from collecting claim information to writing you a check every month.
We provide a free membership website that provides all First Responders & Volunteer Firefighters with exclusive discounts on hotels, dining, movies, theme parks, and much more.
We have set up a National Helpline that provides access to confidential support, resources and referrals any time day or night
by phone for first responders and their families. 1-844-550-HERO (4376) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
We provide free Firefighter Cancer Education & Prevention training materials for fire departments and other community organizations along with additional resources.
Your Department can now earn thousands of dollars each year through the VFA Vehicle Donation Program. Contact us for a no-obligation information packet that will give you all of the details.
We've set out to help fire departments recruit members by using national radio, cable and mailer campaigns. We can assist your department with a custom radio recruitment public service announcement.
Through grants to Volunteer Fire Departments we provide free survivor benefits up to $10,000 per firefighter.